“No Proof” that the USA landed on the moon! & 911

How would not landing on the moon, help with the 911 Twin Tower false flag attack in New York?

Its hard to image that anyone could stand up and lie to the people of America and the world about the taking down of the Twin Towers, Building 7 and other low rise structures on September 11th. The conspirators would have to a certain hubris to cary such an outlandish plot. Even with a fairly convincing job being done with the planes narrative on the twin towers, lying about a plane hitting the the Pentagon took plenty of imagination.

To lie and know that there a people out there that know your lying takes a certain degree of brazenness. Something that would take practice. Whilst the precision demolition of building 7 helped me unpick my trust in the reporters under studio lights on Television. It was one big thought of mine “WHAT ELSE have they lied about??” What have I missed? What has given them so much confidence and what else have they practiced with? that has kept me continuously alert ever since.

Faking the moon landings fits the perfect bill as to how and why a small ruling elite had such confidence and no trouble with going ahead with the 911 mass murder. More contemporarily this criminal syndicate with world wide reach, has faked a BIGGER fake. By putting on a fear-demic and locking most the population of the world down for a time.

Now this small minority of people themselves seem to be starting to suffer from fear. Yes, they are becoming fearful. Fearful of the TRUTH. Or rather many truths. Darkness cannot survive the light. There are many, many, many more of us. Yes, they do have their hands on the leavers of power but they are not “elite” in anyway. They are just ordinary humans like us. Take their hands away from their levers, or simply ignore those leavers (take off the mask, go outside etc) since many leavers were and are as fake as their Fake and “Very Fake News”. This will disarm them, after which the light of truth will be used to convict them and we can thrive and go and really land on the moon for the first time.

About Wellington News

I found out what we viscerally all new all along when we saw the twin towers blowing up in front of our eyes. It just took a number of years to admit it. And a few more thinking about it before talking about. And now I find every one else is too.
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