Lord Christopher Monckton @ PRNIZ Wellington 2011

It is a great shame that PRNIZ applied Chatham House Rules to their hosting of Lord Christopher Monckton`s speech yesterday, as that means I cannot provide you a link to a video of the event, or write about what went on inside.

I think it is safe just to state the talk was even more interesting and revealing  as it was not about the miss representation of climate data by the IPPC, Al Gore, and Bilderburg Club financial supremacist leaders, but rather it was as billed about the problem of communicating this message …..

I can say no more – not in the interest of free speech, but out of respect to PRNIZ whom did a first class job at organizing and hosting the event

Why The Long Face ?

Because it is a horse stupid.

Because it is a horse stupid.

There is no surprise that Lord Monckton`s talk was sold out, as he is a very popular speaker and his felicity, accuracy, and humor shone out like a beacon of inspiration in Wellington. There were plenty of attendants that did not agree, or were unaware of his views and whom were able to learn about the art of communication from him. If you did not go, you missed out.

Afterwards I did privately spend sometime talking to a local Wellington Climate  Scientist – whom I will not name – however he seemed stunned and spell bound, and although he clearly had not had time to changed his opinion he was nevertheless confounded and totally unable to argue his case. He was like an emperor with no clothes on and wished to quickly run and find some new apparel with which to cover himself.

On reflection, and what ever ones view about Green Issues and ECT TAX, there can be no doubt that the strengthening fist of an authoritarian Big Brother from abroad has already reached out and squeezed many of those in authority that we respect and expect to be standing up as fearless free New Zealanders.

About Wellington News

I found out what we viscerally all new all along when we saw the twin towers blowing up in front of our eyes. It just took a number of years to admit it. And a few more thinking about it before talking about. And now I find every one else is too.
This entry was posted in bilderberg, climate, new world order, wellington. Bookmark the permalink.

1 Response to Lord Christopher Monckton @ PRNIZ Wellington 2011

  1. Jade says:

    Attendence was full in Wellington with approximately 100 people. In Auckland the day before approximately 150 people attended.

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